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Tuesday 12 March 2013

Winter is still with us.

Yesterday we awoke to a dusting of snow, by teatime it had almost all gone. Then at bedtime it started again we awoke to another dusting. This winter has been the longest cold spell since the 1960's. Most nights this year have been well below freezing and the daytime temperature has not been much better mid to low 30's.
The weather does not keep us in, we wrap up in warm clothes and go about our daily outings though it WILL be nice when the weather does get warm. Roll on Summer!!!


  1. Dave, Thank you so much for the nice cards. It was such a surprise. Very very thoughtful of you.

    I do love the warm weather here. It must be hard to have it so cold for so long.

    I do with we had teatime though. Sounds so fun. :)

  2. Man, I hope that cold weather passes soon. It has started warming up here, and it has been SOOO nice.
