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Saturday 30 March 2013

A day in London with friends.

The 27th March my second trip down to London in two weeks.
This is the side entrance of the Natural History Museum London the place where we arranged to meet.
Patrick and two of his children Brian and Aaron in the stroller (pushchair). We have not met since we walked in Scotland eight years ago.
After walking round the museum and catching up on things it was time for us to meet up with Patricks wife Alison. She was in St Jame's Park near Buckingham Palace, so we took a black cab and met up with her.
Here we are altogether Me, Alison, Patrick, baby Aaron, John P and Brian in the stroller. Buckingham Palace in the background, we are now off for a stroll through the Park.
The lake in St Jame's Park.
First stop, the hotdog stall hotdogs all round, a cup of tea for me hot chocolate for the others.
At the far end of the lake Alison said she had seen some Pelicans, I ask you Pelicans in the wild in England never!!!
Pelicans, well I never!
We left at the far end of the park and rejoined the Mall.
We are now at the Admiralty Arch, this is at one end of the Mall, Buckingham Palace at the other.
Through the Arch and onward to Trafalgar Squqare.
Another few hundred yards and we were there..
Trafalgar Squire, Nelsons Column and to Waterstone's.
The day was getting on and it was turning colder hot drinks was the order of the day.
Sadly this is where I had to say my goodbyes, it was getting closer to the time of my return coach and they don't wait for anyone.
Back down the Mall and onward to the coach station.
Back at the coach station with half an hour to spare, I like to cut things fine.
I was not by myself but I was guaranteed a seat. Buses leave for all points of the UK from here.
Up the M1 nothing much to see at night, after three and a half hours I'm back in Gods own county Yorkshire and home. It's been a long day but well worth it.

Patrick and Alison are the ones from California that I met up Scotland eight years ago. We have kept in touch using Blogger, Facebook and e-mail ever since. They live in Azerbaijan at the moment but will be going back to the States later this years when Alison will be having her fourth baby.

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