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Monday 11 March 2013

A slight problem.

We have a slight problem with stay cats, there are four young ones that tend to live in our garden and four older ones that are casual visitors passing through on a regular bases.
Last Saturday I decided it was time to think about the future and the possibilities that these four kittens were reaching breeding age and we did not want more cats on the doorstep.
I contacted a cat charity to see what could be done and within an hour a lady was round at our house with a trap and holding pens.
By this time it was getting dark and about the normal time when we put food out for them. They are not our cats but we can't see them starve. She baited the trap and in no time at all one at a time they were all caught.

The agreement with the charity is that they take the cats get them neutered and returned them to where they were caught. I don't mind having them back I just didn't want them breeding.
The cats look so peaceful in the cages but believe me they are wild. It turns out there were one tom and three shes.

1 comment:

  1. I think you made the right decision, Dave. You don't want cats breeding in your back yard. And good for you for keeping them fed!
