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Monday 25 March 2013

A prisoner of the weather.

Last week starting Sunday we were at a loss for what to do. It was so cold outside I decided to do a job that needed to be done by 28/3/13, the day the new larder fridge arrives.
Some years ago in fact many years ago (1985) I fitted the kitchen out with home made units and there lies the problem. I did a good made to measure job building the units around the old fridge freezer. It was a tallish slimline upright F/F a size that are hard to come by now. The new fridge is 5cm (1 1/2") wider than the old one so I've adjusted things to fit.
One job lead to another, when I first tiled the kitchen I could see no reason to tile behind the units or fridge but it was always something I was going to do but never got round to it.
Anyway since everything was away from the wall and I had lots of tiles left over from some other job I'd done and working on the principal that they would not be seen, I just slapped them on.
These jobs took me until Wednesday to complete.

Thursday I went to London for the day to meet up with my friend from California that I have not seen for eight years and her six year old son. She was on a flying visit to London from Azerbaijan. I am going down again this Wednesday her husband and other two sons have come over until Friday then they are all flying together, back to Baku.

Friday my birthday last year it was 60'f this year it snowed, it's the first time I've known it snow on my birthday. We went to the Rockingham Arms at Wentworth for our dinner (1 oclock). Una bought our dinner it was supposed to be a treat for me but I'm not sure! I always buy the meals when we eat out and she cooks all the meals when we're at home, so was it her treat or mine? She also went to the bar and bought me a pint, now that was a first. Anyway we both really enjoyed the afternoon.

 These tiles will never be seen so what does it matter.

 My friend Alison and son JP originally from orange county CA.

 Westminster Cathedral the first time I've seen this, it's a Roman Catholic building.

 Inside the Natural History Museum London.

 A mixed grill my favourite buried under the chips, egg, and onion rings is chicken, beef and ham Una could not finish it there was too much meat for her.

 The Rockingham Arms a typical country pub five miles from home.

 Una pointing out a notice on the gate.
The bowling green littered with wind blown twigs.

 The cards are mine, the flowers were for Una for mothers day.

Saturday we woke up to 6 to 8" of snow on the ground, too much snow to risk going shopping so we bored ourselves silly watching TV and DVD's.      

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