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Wednesday 7 August 2013

Refurbishing the patio.

First a dry run to choose which pattern to use I decided on the bottom one, easier to play hopscotch on.
 Another job I've been going to do for years, pave the old concrete yard. I did it in 1984 during the miners strike with the help of my brother in law who just happened to be on strike I was never satisfied with the job we did.
Power washed the old inground dirt off so the mortar would stick.
 First blocks laid these are my keystones and the end of the first shift.

 This is the end of the second shift normally I would keep going while ever it was daylight but why kill myself there's always tomorrow. 

End of the 3rd shift had to knock of early to go and buy some more flags. I have a few left but I need about a dozen more to finish the job.
Yesterday I had a day off we went to a wedding.
Today 4th shift cut slabs to fit remaining gaps sounds a nothing of a job but it was very time consuming, all ready to lay tomorrow. 
5th shift just a short one lost the first two hour fetching our Steven and his girlfriend back from Sheffield. Luckily I had not started a mixing when I got the phone call request anyway there's always tomorrow, almost finished.

Day 6 the end is in sight

 Just one bit of picking to make a level so that the run off water will find its way to the grate.
 Job done it's been a long shift today, I'll leave the tidying up for tomorrow.
 I think it looks good if I do say so myself.
That's all my good weather jobs done, it's been a good summer so far I've really enjoyed my working holiday. What next?

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