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Wednesday 21 August 2013

Ready for winter.

The patio is finished time to rest no; our Steven wants a radiator put in the hallway.

A radiator put in the toilet, it is very cold in there at wintertime.

A large radiator in the bathroom this one is inadequate too small it does not throw enough heat out for the size of the bathroom. It will be OK for the toilet the new one is twice the size.

First job bleeding the water out of the system this took the best part of an hour, then marking the walls up to fix the brackets to hang the rads on,

New pipework with Yorkshire joints and a new bleed valve. I had to double pipe all the radiators so that any one radiator could be switched off without hindrance to the system.

The hall radiator done, next one the toilet then the bathroom both ready for the blow torch.

One last check before I fire the torch up.

It wasn't a two minute job I started it Saturday morning and finished it Monday afternoon. I'm really pleased with how it works and looks.

Next job cutting a new door hole in the coal house and bricking the old one up, no rest for the wicked. I love working it's what I was born for.

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