Things we see and do.

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Friday 23 August 2013

Not my usual thing.


Two years ago I was having radiotherapy at Western Park Hospital Sheffield and to my surprise so was Jean she is an old schoolmate of Unas, I’ve known her the best part of forty years.
Jean had had a course of chemotherapy and was on a follow up course of radiotherapy due to the chemo Jean had lost all her hair eyebrow lashes the lot we almost passed her without recognition luckily something click and we were all there with our arms round one another.
When she was younger she had lovely red hair just like Una, they were so much alike they could be mistaken for sisters and there she was bald and looking like a little old man I could have cried for her.
Since the hospital days we have seen her twice, once for about a minute she was getting off the Sheffield to Doncaster train and we were boarding it she had hair in fact I had to ask if it was hers or a wig she pulled it and said mine. Trains wait for no man so that was all we got to say apart from both of us saying are you OK and the answer being they say so.
Anyway we were in Barnsley Market Wednesday and who should we bump into out of the blue Jean with hair and a big smile we all hugged and talked like only people the have been knocking on the door and been turned away do.

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