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Thursday 23 May 2013

Is it true???

I've heard that you don't hang washing out to dry in Southern California is it true or just a story?
I must say I don't think I have ever seen any photos with a washing line on.
Una's washing line can be seen on google maps HONESTLY visible from space.

So it’s a YES then including Virginia!!!
A rule of thumb if the flagstones are wet the washing wont dry
On any dry day of the year there is washing on Unas line. I’m sure that if the police helicopter that flies overhead looked down on a nice day and saw no washing he would take it as a distress signal and send backup.
To climb into bed between freshly washed sheets dried in the fresh air is one of those best things in life are free moments good enough to make an insomniac sleep.


  1. It's true...having lived there my whole growing up life, I never once saw clothes out to dry on a line. Not in Virginia either...only in Baku!

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