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Monday 20 May 2013

Things in the greenhouse.

Three trays of pumpkins= 18. Four trays of runner beans= 24. I don't usually start my beans off in the greenhouse but March and April were so bad weather wise the allotments are a good six weeks behind. None of the potatoes I have planted are showing yet, makes me wonder!
Two trays of courgettes= 12, Three trays of varies sun flowers= 24
My show onions are ready for planting out, my leeks are still pretty weedy but are starting to thicken up.
Eight begonias that I bought last week I will not dare to plant them out until June. We can get frost right up to the end of May here so tender plants need the protection of the greenhouse.


  1. Looks great! We have been enjoying our strawberries out of the garden; lettuce too!

  2. Home grown are the best ever, glad you got to eat some before you leave for home! Not long now.
