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Monday 20 May 2013

One of those weeks.

The lever on the right of the carburetor is the choke lever. The one on the left with the small spring on is the automatic accelerator lever.
Holding the the side panel on are three bolts these have to be removed to access the carburetor  trouble with that is two of the three also hold the carburetor onto the motor. Luckily the carb hangs on by the fuel pipe and accelerator lever. 
When doing a mechanical job I like to take photos just in case things fall apart by looking at the photos I know where they came from and can put the back in the right place. 
This is the choke end of the carburetor showing the large jets.
This is the normal running end of the carburetor showing the tiny hole or jet.
The jet that was made up with gunk is the brass piece just below the screw at the top of the carb. After removing the top screw I was able to get the jet out and clean it. Everything is back together and running perfect.
It's been one of those weeks when everything seems to go wrong all together first my tiller then the generator.

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