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Saturday 18 May 2013

Doctors waiting room.

Una had to go to the doctors for a revue last Thursday all's well. Her blood pressure was up a bit but she suffers from white coat syndrome when I check her b/pressure it's OK if not too low for my liking. The bloke in the photos had taken his mother to see the doctor and I could not resist taking photos of his tattoos. He asked if I fancied having one,"no thanks my flu jabs enough needle for me"
After the appointment we had a pop to Huddersfield on the train.

First we went to Barnsley by car then we caught the train. The 45 minute journey finished up taking 90 minutes there was trouble with the points on the track. By the time we got there it was dinnertime/lunchtime if you're posh. So we made for Sharky's a fish and chip cafe near the market, Cod and chips sloppy peas bread and butter and a cup of tea, that took the hunger pangs go away.
After roaming around Huddersfield we headed back to the railway station. Here we dropped across Micheal Portillo filming for his TV series Great British Railway Journeys. As a TV presenter he's very good but back in the bad old days of the 80's he was one of Thatchers men not my kind of guy!

The statue in the background is Harold Wilson twice Prime Minister of the UK he came from Huddersfield my kind of guy. I did not know it at the time but he refused to allow the UK to be drawn into the Vietnam War. I was at conscription age and didn't even know where Vietnam was it was still French Indochina in our Atlas.

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