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Sunday 16 June 2013

Robins nest.

31st May. Every time I went into my hut at the allotment a bird would fly out. The first time I thought nothing of it, but after a few times I wondered if there was a nest some where. I eventually found it in a dark corner of the hut between an old filing cabinet and weed killers. It was a Robin everyone loves Robin Redbreasts they're supposed to be lucky and I need some of that this year in the allotment!!!
After it had flown off one time I felt in the nest there were some eggs in but I did not take any photos, I don't know why.

11th June. Today I could see the eggs had hatched so here is the first signs of life.

16th June, five days later just look how they have come on. It's getting a bit overcrowded in the nest already.

19th June, only four chicks in the nest now, it's too small to hold six. Two are now living on the floor of my hut.

One of the chicks that was on the ground i put it back in the nest but it did not stay in long.

21st June, then there were none. It seems to me that this must be the Robins game plan. They build their nest pretty low about four foot off the ground, the chicks grow their camouflage feathers jump out of the nest and spend the rest of their young lives scurrying around on the ground.

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