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Friday 14 June 2013

Car booting.

For one off jobs and cheap secondhand gear you can't beat a good car boot sale.

Hemswell Cliff. Car boot and Sunday market, by far the best for miles.

I’ve been looking to do a job for ages but have not had the tackle to do it so last Sunday I decided to try my luck at Hemswell Cliff. I’ve wanted to get an angle grinder big enough to do the job. Luckily for me due to the new health and safety laws contractors or not allowed on site with 240V gear they must use 110V equipment. So the contractors are off loading their 240V gear to anyone at a good price to cut their losses. I paid £10 for this angle grinder that’s less than the price of the blade.

Tuesday. I have wanted to make a soak away for the rainwater for years but my concrete path, as always been a barrier. So today armed with my new second-hand cutter I started the job, it cut through the concrete like cutting through butter with a warm knife.


Part soak-away part top water drain.

It’s hard to see the problem with the drainage on the photos but the path actually slopes the wrong way.
The bottom photo is the job finished, drainage working a treat. 

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