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Monday 17 June 2013

New central heating pump.

 Here I have removed the old central heating pump after closing the gate valves top and bottom.

First I checked that the power was getting through, it was but the motor was not turning.
I then turned off the power at the mains disconnected the wires checked that the impeller was not clogged up with grot. I washed it out made sure the impeller was spinning freely and reconnected it to the power. Still no movement I decided it was dead and went out and bought a new one.

 The new pump.
Connected it up to the power and switched it on after I heard that it was running I put the cover on and reconnected it to the pipework.
Checked for leaks, dry as a bone, job done.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dave.

    Yes, we sit outside a lot here. Not any bugs. None that I can see. We are very fortunate that way.

    Jack did not build this one. We bought it new, just like it is.

    My tomatoes are growing but not ripe yet. The plants are getting huge though. Can't believe how big the zucchini have gotten. We have had about 10 huge ones so far. I haven't been able to spend much time in the garden since I am down at the beach so much.

    Guy, my brother doesn't really look like any of my brother in laws.... not that I can see. :) I have a ton of brother in laws. Can't think of who he resembles the most.

    Hope you are doing well and feeling well. Life is good here. I am always happiest in the summer months. :) But then again I am happy all year round.

