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Thursday 23 May 2013

Is it true???

I've heard that you don't hang washing out to dry in Southern California is it true or just a story?
I must say I don't think I have ever seen any photos with a washing line on.
Una's washing line can be seen on google maps HONESTLY visible from space.

So it’s a YES then including Virginia!!!
A rule of thumb if the flagstones are wet the washing wont dry
On any dry day of the year there is washing on Unas line. I’m sure that if the police helicopter that flies overhead looked down on a nice day and saw no washing he would take it as a distress signal and send backup.
To climb into bed between freshly washed sheets dried in the fresh air is one of those best things in life are free moments good enough to make an insomniac sleep.

Monday 20 May 2013

Things in the greenhouse.

Three trays of pumpkins= 18. Four trays of runner beans= 24. I don't usually start my beans off in the greenhouse but March and April were so bad weather wise the allotments are a good six weeks behind. None of the potatoes I have planted are showing yet, makes me wonder!
Two trays of courgettes= 12, Three trays of varies sun flowers= 24
My show onions are ready for planting out, my leeks are still pretty weedy but are starting to thicken up.
Eight begonias that I bought last week I will not dare to plant them out until June. We can get frost right up to the end of May here so tender plants need the protection of the greenhouse.

One of those weeks.

The lever on the right of the carburetor is the choke lever. The one on the left with the small spring on is the automatic accelerator lever.
Holding the the side panel on are three bolts these have to be removed to access the carburetor  trouble with that is two of the three also hold the carburetor onto the motor. Luckily the carb hangs on by the fuel pipe and accelerator lever. 
When doing a mechanical job I like to take photos just in case things fall apart by looking at the photos I know where they came from and can put the back in the right place. 
This is the choke end of the carburetor showing the large jets.
This is the normal running end of the carburetor showing the tiny hole or jet.
The jet that was made up with gunk is the brass piece just below the screw at the top of the carb. After removing the top screw I was able to get the jet out and clean it. Everything is back together and running perfect.
It's been one of those weeks when everything seems to go wrong all together first my tiller then the generator.

Sunday 19 May 2013

My workhorse.

My faithful workhorse has broke so I had to finish the digging the old fashioned way with my garden fork. I've had the tiller some years now and it's done lots of work. Try as I may I could not find a replacement part so I bought a new tiller. To my surprise the new one is far superior to the old one.
 The broken part.

My new tiller looks very similar to the old one but is more powerful and stronger in build.

Saturday 18 May 2013

Doctors waiting room.

Una had to go to the doctors for a revue last Thursday all's well. Her blood pressure was up a bit but she suffers from white coat syndrome when I check her b/pressure it's OK if not too low for my liking. The bloke in the photos had taken his mother to see the doctor and I could not resist taking photos of his tattoos. He asked if I fancied having one,"no thanks my flu jabs enough needle for me"
After the appointment we had a pop to Huddersfield on the train.

First we went to Barnsley by car then we caught the train. The 45 minute journey finished up taking 90 minutes there was trouble with the points on the track. By the time we got there it was dinnertime/lunchtime if you're posh. So we made for Sharky's a fish and chip cafe near the market, Cod and chips sloppy peas bread and butter and a cup of tea, that took the hunger pangs go away.
After roaming around Huddersfield we headed back to the railway station. Here we dropped across Micheal Portillo filming for his TV series Great British Railway Journeys. As a TV presenter he's very good but back in the bad old days of the 80's he was one of Thatchers men not my kind of guy!

The statue in the background is Harold Wilson twice Prime Minister of the UK he came from Huddersfield my kind of guy. I did not know it at the time but he refused to allow the UK to be drawn into the Vietnam War. I was at conscription age and didn't even know where Vietnam was it was still French Indochina in our Atlas.

Saturday 11 May 2013

In the green house at the moment.

 My Grape vine.
For the first time in three years signs of some grapes growing.
Pumpkin seeds growing.
Seed trays with runner beans and courgettes in not showing yet.
 My show stopping onions (I hope).
Leeks they look a bit weedy at the moment!
Chinese palms grown from seed three year old.