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Thursday 31 May 2012

First taste of freedom.

Looking North East towards Marr.
Looking South West from Marr towards Rawmarsh.
 Two weeks ago Una's brother Fred took me to Markham Grange Garden Centre to buy Tomato plants, this was my first day out in over four weeks, I am not allowed to drive yet! On the way there we passed these newly erected wind turbines we can see them from our house but this was the first time I had been up close to them. As the crow flies, they are about 7 miles away from where we live.

 Last week he took both Una and me to the supermarket, I wasn't going to go at first then after some thought I came to the conclusion it was something to do rather than sitting around the house all day.
It just seemed a bit strange going to the supermarket as a pleasure, rather than a chore.

Fred and Una, they did the shopping Fred insisted on pushing the trolley for Una, while on the other hand I just roamed around the top deck looking at the electrical goods. I just happened to be at this spot as they came up the travelator to look for me.

Everywhere shops are trimming up ready for the Jubilee next week, a party sixty years in the making is the slogan. She has been Queen sixty years but the highlight was the Coronation a year later, 
2nd June 1953 everyone old enough have their memories of that day.

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