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Wednesday 9 May 2012

Wednesday 2nd May clips out.

Today is the day I've been waiting for, the removal of my clips. I have no idea how they put them in, but I will be fascinated to see how they come out.

Easy peasy, apart from anything going wrong I could have done it myself.

To be honest I am really glad that I have had them both done together I've had no pain from the actual joints, the pain has been from the bruising of the leg muscles. Now these are settling down I feel OK, I can't walk far but I'm getting there.
I have lost a lot of my appetite, resulting in me loosing 10lbs in weight in three weeks I am down to 12st 4lbs. For the US 14lbs = 1st (stone). I don't do metric I'm English. US 172 lbs that's me.

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