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Wednesday 9 May 2012

Knees update.

Everything was going great until 6-30pm Friday 27th then all hell broke loose. A sudden pain started up in my right leg all the way from my ankle to my hip bone, I could not move my leg one way or the other the pain was excruciating.
Una phoned 999 and asked for the Ambulance, within 10 to 15 mins the crew were by my side giving me gas and air, it did absolutely nothing for me! The put a line in the back of my hand and administered some morphine into me this did nothing for me so they gave me another shot to no effect.

Then came the fun of getting me down stairs, my leg was in so much pain and twisted there was no way I could be moved by wheelchair. We decided to strap me to a body board and get me down that way, it was like a mountain rescue, to cut a long story short I spent the next two nights in hospital pain free.

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