Things we see and do.

See us on You Tube.

Thursday 31 December 2015

The 2nd Wedding Reception.

My nephew Christopher and his wife Claire were married on the 28th November in the Royal Navy Chapel Portsmouth. All his navy friends his mum dad and sister and babies went to it. Claire's family coming from down south also went she's a Dorset girl.

It takes some doing getting us Yorkshire folk out of Yorkshire so his mum and dad put a do on for friends and family from up here on the 27th December, hence the 2nd reception and a good do it was.  

Friday 25 December 2015

Christmas day 2015.

It's years since it rained on Christmas day, almost never snows.
Steven and Stuarts presents, looks extravagant but really it is two supermarket shops all wrapped up to look nice. Una starts looking for bargains in September then spends hours wrapping them up for Christmas.
My pile.
Una's pile.
I have never understood why women like Christmas, they do all the shopping all the cooking and still find time to laugh.
 Our Steven just said something that cracked her up.

Sunday 20 December 2015

A first for me.

The Camellia in our garden has a bloom on it Una spotted it this morning, usual flowering time is the end of March beginning of April definitely not December.

If this is global warming bring it on.

Friday 11 December 2015

What happened to November?

The morning after Halloween.
Doncaster Frenchgate have got their Christmas Trimmings up.
Bonfire night 5th November which just happens to be my dads birthday he would have been 106 today.
Another pavement to drop and a drive to lay, this time I am watching someone else do it my shoulders still ache from doing the last one! 
The day after remembrance day we were in Rotherham Minster saying goodbye to Jack Platts
a man I had worked alongside for many years. 
15th A visitor from York my nephew Martin and wife Sarah and baby Alicia. 
16th Barnsley demolition of the old council officers started today.

21st First snow this winter which soon thawed out then froze killing all my Dahlias off.

First time this winter that the windscreen has frozen over.
26th Nov Went up to the allotment to say goodbye for the winter. I think I have finished with it for good.

Monday 2 November 2015

Halloween 2015

 Our first visitor.

 This year we went back to a horror theme the kids loved it.


We had a total of 83 visitors all in fancy dress, tall ones and short ones young and old.

Halloween has really caught on here.

Monday 26 October 2015

Breakfast in Barnsley.

Wetherspoons Barnsley a hearty breakfast to start the day. Not quite breakfast at Tiffany's but it keeps you going just the same.

Friday 23 October 2015

Thursday 22 October 2015

This time I could only stand and watch.

I was talking to my neighbour last week about his trees and how they were casting a long shadow over the gardens. With that he just said I'm thinking of lowering them or even getting them cut down, cut down would be a blessing I said. I love trees but in the right places countryside or forests.
I even offered to help but he did not want any, he was setting professionals on.

 The before and after shots.

Young legs, I must admit I'm too old for that game.

Time for a smoke and a minute.

This was the first signs of things to come, I just hoped they were going down to ground level.
My hopes were answered, they took them all the way down I am a very happy man.

Monday 28 September 2015

Bloodmoon 28/9/2015. AM.

The Bloodmoon last night early hours this morning was a bit of a let down.
With the naked eye it was very hard to define any colour but with the camera the colour could be seen easily though it was too dark to focus on.

I took these photos between 3.15 am and 3.45 am.
The next chance to see this event will be 2033 if it's a clear night and I have a better camera, I might get some better shots.

I had to test my camera,

so I took this photo at 10.30pm the same day full moon just to be sure it worked.


Sunday 20 September 2015

At it again.

My latest project, making this wilderness something like. I have wanted to get stuck into this job for a long time! But that is a long long long story.
Rubble from home improvement jobs, twitch grass, weeds and brambles. No it's not a bomb site it's my youngest sons front garden, it used to look a picture then things went wrong.
First job clearing the brambles they were like razor wire all over the place, the grass and weeds were easy to strim away.
After turning a patch of garden over I then took part of the wall down to make an entrance for a driveway.
Skip hire, these come in different sizes 3 ton, 6 ton, 8 ton roll on roll off and so on.
I guessed a 6 ton would be large enough for all the rubble and if there was no room for the bricks I could have cleaned them up and used them for something sometime. As it happened there was room for the bricks, but it broke my heart to chuck them away I come from a make do and mend generation!
Rubble cleared away ground turned over, things are looking good.
Me and my tools for the job.
Skip gone, all ready for the next stage.
 More to come, drive to lay.

Flagstones down, just a few more finishing touches and it will be ready for the grass seed. Job almost done!

Two and a half weeks after seeding. When the grass gets established and the ground settles it will be time to straighten the flagstones for good.
It is now the end of October and I still ache from the work I did in September I now realise that I am no longer 21 and must take a back seat when hard work crops up.