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Friday 11 December 2015

What happened to November?

The morning after Halloween.
Doncaster Frenchgate have got their Christmas Trimmings up.
Bonfire night 5th November which just happens to be my dads birthday he would have been 106 today.
Another pavement to drop and a drive to lay, this time I am watching someone else do it my shoulders still ache from doing the last one! 
The day after remembrance day we were in Rotherham Minster saying goodbye to Jack Platts
a man I had worked alongside for many years. 
15th A visitor from York my nephew Martin and wife Sarah and baby Alicia. 
16th Barnsley demolition of the old council officers started today.

21st First snow this winter which soon thawed out then froze killing all my Dahlias off.

First time this winter that the windscreen has frozen over.
26th Nov Went up to the allotment to say goodbye for the winter. I think I have finished with it for good.

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