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Sunday 10 August 2014

At it again.

Making use of the old coal bunker.
First job cutting a new door hole in the side, then I will brick the original door hole up. In yorkshire language the coal bunker is called a coal hole pronounced coil oil.
The door hole likewise is pronounced dooer oil. 
 After marking it up with a plumb line I start cutting the 4" thick concrete wall, it's a mucky job but the only way it can be done.  
 Time to take stock.
 Yes I could see through the goggles but only just.
 The cutter only cuts 3" deep so I had to attack the wall from both sides inside and out.
Not being able to cut the corners out caused a bit of a problem so I drill them and left them in place to trim up later.

 Just sorting the corners.
 Ready for the door frame.
 A bit more drilling.
Fixing bolts.

 Old door on, needs a bit of titivating up but it will do for the time being. 
Bricks for the old door hole are ready just need mortar, that's the next job.
After that the old wooden gate post and crappy bit of wall are coming down, neither are any part of my handy work a blind man would have made a better job of it.

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