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Saturday 12 July 2014

We're never far from the sea.

Where ever you are in England you are never more than eighty miles from the sea, on average a two hour drive and you're there. Though I do like the coast I do like the countryside better.
It is always much colder on the coast than inland, that is not to say it is cold on the coast it can be warm sometimes but when it is, it is still warmer inland.
This is the Peak District near Sheffield the first National Park in England just thirty miles from home at this point, but the park actually starts on the outskirts of Sheffield about ten miles from home.

It is safe to walk past cattle but if they have calves and you have a dog it can be a bit dodgy they can turn nasty.

 This bull didn't look too happy with himself so we gave him a wide berth.

 We spotted this baby rabbit, judging by the reflection in it's eye it had also spotted us.
 The two of us our Steven and me.

 Everything watches everyone in the country, even the bird is looking over its shoulder.

We are under the flight path of Manchester Airport and no I have not yet been on one of these silver birds, but I am working myself up to it one day. PERHAPS!

 Edale village.
 A stone thone a rest well earned.

 Some more of the locals.

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