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Wednesday 23 July 2014


Today we walked from Greasbrough to Wentworth, really it was too hot to do any walking but we did it just the same. It was too hot for the cattle and deer they just took to the shade. Wentworth Woodhouse looked as magnificent as always then on to the stables hard to believe it was built to house horses. Next call the Rockingham Arms for a bite to eat and a pint, it was very busy and the food was a long time coming Una got a bit fed up waiting then joy!

At this point you can turn right and go down to the dam, or turn left and go on to Wentworth Park.

The land is crisscrossed with public footpaths.

We stayed to the main path.
It was too hot for the cattle and deer they all took to the shade of the trees.

Is this a band stand or a summer house?
This wall says keep out.
Wentworth Woodhouse, years ago I would not have dared to stand where I am stood to take this photo the gamekeeper would have been on my back in no time. I would have been beat up and chucked off the land. 

Times have changed and the house is now open to the public.

Into the stable yard.

Waiting for food in the Rockingham Arms.
A long wait Una got a bit fed up, we moved tables then the food arrived. Una had spicy chicken and noodles, I had the full English with chips my usual when it comes to food I'm not adventurous. 
After we had been watered and fed we walked down the road, on the bus route.
Looking towards the Eye of the needle.

 Giant Hog Weed an invasive plant not native to this country it should be destroyed.
The sap from this plant is harmful causing severe blistering if it comes in contact with your skin.
Years ago it only grew on the banks of the River Tweed the boarder between England and Scotland, this is the first time I have seen it this far down country.
 The hedge bottoms are really overgrown nettles and thistles almost forced us to walk on the road.
The bus was due so we waited for it one per hour but it's always on time.

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