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Tuesday 1 July 2014

Things so far.

This year I'm doing things different, I have gone down from two allotments to one.
As a trial I am growing my courgettes in tubs at home having them close to the kitchen will make it easier to watch them grow and catch them at the right size. They grow so fast in a couple of days they can go from too small to too big and turn into marrows, I don't like marrow.

I am also growing cucumbers for the first time ever, this will be a learning curve I have never seen a cucumber plant. I have been told they need more heat than tomatoes, will have to see what happens.

My grape vine is doing well I think it is a little way in front of last year I'll check the diary.

 My tomato plants are looking well, REMEMBER to pinch out the side shoots!!!!

My cucumber plants are running a bit wild I think I will trim two of them back and leave two be and see how they grow.

I have several bunches of grapes growing on the vine, I hope they are better than last year.
Last year they were small but sweet, believe it or not these are red grapes when ripe.

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