Things we see and do.

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Friday 13 June 2014

The world is getting smaller.

This to me is fantastic, technology shrinking the world.
My friends sister was on her way home from Los Angeles, I was on google maps
following her journey on 1-15. Talking to her on her mobile receiving messaged photos
on facebook. She was on her way to Utah I was sitting in my home in Yorkshire.
The top photo mid way on shows Joshua Trees I had never heard of them before.

 The desert, I have never seen a desert or scrub land.

Look at the outside temperature and it's only 8-15am, here in Yorkshire if it gets to the 80s
which it does for 2 or 3 days a year we're all moaning that it's too hot to bear.


 I've never seen anything like this, some sort of solar generating plant.

Bypassing Las Vagas.

The LDS Temple, St George Utah.
Back to the desert.

At this point I had to go to bed we are 8 hour ahead of your time.
It was about this point where she passed through a time zone and became 7 hours behind us.
There were loads more photos but I could not put any more on at this time.

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