Things we see and do.

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Wednesday 15 June 2011

Things in the allotment.15/6/11.

Broad beans.


Onions, Shallots and lettuce.

Two rows of Leeks.

French Beans just showing.

I went to the allotment early this morning to look for our Stevens office key, he lost it there yesterday tea time. After we found it he went off to work, I stayed on and took photos. When I got home I noticed on the photo above a escapee chicken from the next door allotment, I immediately went back and caught it. NO I did NOT kill it, I put it back where it had come from, I have never knowingly killed anything!

Small, but I am off roaming for a week, this could have caused havoc with the young plants in the time I was away, lucky I had taken some photos!


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