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Friday 31 December 2010

Mum, I’m slightly pregnant.

Not really but a similar scenario in a way.

Yesterday I went to Rotherham Hospital for the results

of some biopsies taken from my prostate, it was the third

lot I have had in two years, thirty-two in total. According

to the consultant one was showing slight signs of a malignant


Do you want to take it out I asked! Or am I jumping the gun?

At this stage he explained it was not necessary to take any

action at all and that the side effects could be worse than leaving

it be. He did tell me about Radiotherapy and its downfalls, also

surgery and that’s downfalls. So now I have something to consider

which do I plump for? answers please to:-

Una went with me, she thought I would lie to her and keep things to myself,
as if!
Rotherham Hospital is undergoing a massive refurbishment.

This was the first time I have been to the Hospital and not seen anyone I know.

Honestly if Una didn't go with me I'd get lost, all the corridors and floors
look the same to me!