Things we see and do.

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Friday 28 August 2015


 Started the month off with a walk from Langsett to Howden five miles there and five miles back.

 My walking pal our Steven.

 Then it was harvest time just a two minute walk from our front door.

A day out at Renishaw Hall home of the Sitwell family.

Then I found time to savage this tree at the bottom of our Stevens garden.

A day out at an ex prisoner of war camp near York, now a military museum.

We finally made it to Cleethorpes though we did not see the sea, the tide was out!

A white knuckle ride in Rosehill Park haha.

A double decker bus ride from Dewsbury to Huddersfield.
The stone fronts and the red brick backs of the terrace houses originally built by the the mill owners for the workforce to live in.
These back yards have obviously been modenised, at the bottom of each yard there would have been a dry midden (toilet) with a combined ash house. The ashes from the coal fires in the home were used to cover the No2s in the middens and so on.
Teams of men used to work the night shift and come once a week to clear the middens out.
My dad used to sing us a song about the midden cleaners when I was a boy, I still remember the words today.
The middens were later converted to water closets and the ash houses were used to store dustbins and called the dustbin hole.
In those days before the smoke less days (clean air reforms) everything and anything that would burn went on the fire.
Kitchen waste would go in a bin and was collected by the pig man, he would boil it up mix it with meel and feed what was now called pigswill to the pigs.
Saving the pig man the kitchen waste would generally get you a joint of pork for Christmas free.  

 This is the beauty of bus travel no traffic worries, let the driver take the strain.

  Dewsbury bus station.

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