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Monday 2 September 2013

Harvest time.

 All things bright and beautiful etc it's been a good year produce wise.
After a wet and cold Spring along came the best Summer for years. We were the best part of six weeks behind with the planting but it's all turned out OK.

 The blackberries have been a bumper crop.

 The onions have not done well Stuttgart giants I don't like them I don't know what made me plant them I prefer Turbo onions but the ones I really like are the ones I'll be putting in this month Japs.

 My potato crop as done very good it's the first time for years that I have grown them. I had two bad years with potatoes the potatoes were fine it was the weather that let me down. It rained for a long period of time and I had no where to dry them out and they just rotted. Today I have the ideal conditions. Six buckets off potatoes in total should see us into next year.

 It's a great feeling digging potatoes you plant one and you never know how many there will be until you dig them up. I think it averaged twelve a plant.

 I've not been up to the allotment as often as I should have this year I've been much too busy at home.
The courgettes are a tell tail sign so many turned into marrows and we do not eat marrows in any form. Having said that we have had plenty of courgettes it's just that they grow on so quick.

 There's a couple of rows of leeks near the bucket they are winter veg.

It's a pity about the marrows seems such a waste but I will chop them up and rot them down then dig them in.

 My cash crop pumpkins these are coming on a real treat lovely and orange and getting bigger week by week.
 That's about it for this year.
My very first ever home grown bunch of grapes. It's been a good summer.


  1. Wow Dave! Your garden looks wonderful. Jack has made fun of me this year because he says I'm not home enough to tend to it. It was not very successful for me this year but I plan to get better at it as each year passes. I am hoping to do a fall garden because it is so warm here but I have yet to have the time to spend doing it.

    Thank you for your kind words for Boe. He has not gotten his calling yet. He is still working on his papers to turn in. He still needs to get a physical from the doctor and probably his wisdom teeth pulled before he can go. We are working on it though.

    I will post pictures of the dog. He is very sweet. A miniature Schnauzer. We love him but our luck is not that great because we think he may be deaf. Sheesh! Of all the dogs we could have chosen, we chose a deaf one.... It's kind of comical actually. He doesn't come to us when we call, only when he makes eye contact. It makes me sad and I don't know what we are going to do. A dog is hard enough, but a deaf dog? :(

    Anyways. Hope you are doing well.


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