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Tuesday 30 July 2013

Make do and mend.

The roof in on and finished, now for the floor.
I could have hired a skip thrown everything in it, laid a concrete base had someone build me a preformed concrete shed/garage but I would not have got one ounce of satisfaction from doing that. This is my hut there’s only one like it in the world and it’s mine.
The old floor consisted of old doors and pit belting:- conveyer belt that coal is transported on from the coal face to the pit bottom.
This was not a real good idea but it worked OK for a while. 

 After clearing the old rubbish out I rotavatored the ground then I tipped loads of sand and grit from my front garden. This used to be a make shift parking space for our Stevens car.
 Thirteen barrow loads later the bed was ready to lay the flags on.

 Cutting the flags to shape to fill in the gaps.

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