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Tuesday 11 December 2012

No more pets.

For want of a name we called her Gloria.

Another one of those days, she was semi feral where she came from we'll never know but she's lived in our back yard for eight years. She would not be petted and never came in the house but did come to the door when she wanted food, which was very often and regular.

Over the last five days she broke with her usual routine normally she turns up at 7am but lately it's been 10.30am. Then when we have put her food out she has not touched it. At first Una thought she must be getting fed somewhere else but today when she came I noticed she was wobbling on her back legs. I thought she's not up to the mark so an appointment was made at the vets.

He confirmed my thoughts, her heart had a wrong rhythm, her breathing was restricted, possible thyroid trouble and kidney trouble. To be sure what was wrong with her he would have had to take blood tests, the end result was inevitable and the kindest option was to put her to sleep.

Yesterday 12/12/12 I buried her two spades deep beneath the bird table in the garden close to the greenhouse the place she made her home.

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