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Monday 25 June 2012

The Olympic flame visits Barnsley.

Never expected to see the flame as we were on the last push, we took the bottom road into Barnsley past the old Barnsley Bitter Brewery as we turn the corner the road was cram full of Police and spectators. I parked the car and we joined the throng, we were possibly one of the last people to turn up and finished up in a prime position, right where they relit the flame to start the run through Barnsley.

That afternoon 1 o'clock Una had given blood, we had no thought of going to Barnsley then our Stuart text his mum and said the flame had been delayed by 1 hour. Never expecting to see the start of the run we set off to see the end, but as it happened it was delayed by more than 1 hour and we got there for the start. I felt really sorry for all the children that had been sat waiting for over 2 hours to see something that didn't last a minute.

Bless em, they were as good as gold, sat with the patience of Job.

The man in white in the centre of the photo is the torchbearer waiting for the show to start.

Una's arm after giving blood, makes me wonder all the nurses do day in day out is take blood surely they should do a better job than this, it would put me off.

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