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Sunday 1 January 2012


Twenty twelve, hopefully it will be another good year for each and everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Una and Dave. Hopefully you got our Christmas card. I received your comments and wanted to respond to your questions.

    I am very excited about my garden. I plan to try growing vegetables. I want to start off with easy things to grow. maybe a few types of tomatoes and cucumbers and herbs. It may be a disaster but will be fun to try. No frost here, we have a pretty mild climate.

    The gym is just for the family. We should have carpet soon and then we will start to get machines. I'll update with pictures then.

    You made me laugh about the flitting question. I have no idea what flitting means. :) We built the house for my parents. They live there with my grandma. There is a separate garage where we store the boat and motorcyles, above that garage is an apartment where our daughter, her husband and baby live. We live in our house which is next door to this property. My parents got into some financial problems a few years ago and lost their house. We thought it would be good to help them. When this piece of property came available, we knew we wanted to buy it to build a garage but decided to help my parents out and build a house too. Sounds crazy, I know, but it's how it worked out. There is also an office for Jack and another one for my brother Guy. They plan to start some kind of business in the future and want to have a home base. Jack retired a few years ago after he sold his masonry business. He is now ready to get back into the workforce.

    And you are very sweet with your comments to me, but I am just an average girl with an average life. But it is my life and I love it :)

    Hopefully that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.

