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Thursday 29 December 2011

Today is the sadest of days.

The day all dog lovers dread. This was our Blue last summer, from then until today he slowly went down hill. He never showed any signs of pain until last night, this morning the kindest thing we could have done and did, was to have him put to sleep. We will miss him and I expect the tears will stop, but not for a while. So long Blue you was a great dog always willing, never sick!


  1. So sorry to hear about Old Blue. You're absolutely right, though--you did the kindest thing you could for him. I'm sure he's in a better place now and free from pain. So sorry again to hear that he has passed.

  2. Una has had so many text from people that knew Blue it's like the film "It's a wonderful life" everyone that knew him loved him, he was such a friendly dog! Thank you everyone for the kind words.
