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Friday 15 July 2011

Weeding, weeding and more weeding.

Allotments are hard work, really you should go once a day for at leased an hour just to keep on top of things. Leave it for a week and with good growing conditions, a little bit of rain mixed with a bit of sun and this is what you are met with when you next go. Today I spent four hour before dinner and three hours after weeding nonstop, and there's still plenty of work left to do.

Before> my Pumpkin patch not too bad.
Pumpkin patch> After.

Before> Runner beans, Courgettes and French beans right centre & left.

Before> Sprouts and Beetroot somewhere in there.

In all the years I have been growing this is the first time I have been successful with carrots, I don't know why I just must have done something right this year.

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