Things we see and do.

See us on You Tube.

Thursday 29 December 2011

Today is the sadest of days.

The day all dog lovers dread. This was our Blue last summer, from then until today he slowly went down hill. He never showed any signs of pain until last night, this morning the kindest thing we could have done and did, was to have him put to sleep. We will miss him and I expect the tears will stop, but not for a while. So long Blue you was a great dog always willing, never sick!

Friday 16 December 2011

Thursday 8 December 2011

Just thinking.

If I had wings I would not be sat on the fence looking over the Don on a cold and damp day like today, I would fly South for the WINTER!!!!!

Thursday 1 December 2011

1st December new car.

Our Stuarts new car, he's back on the road again. After the accident he had a courtesy car for a fortnight, then he borrowed mine until today. In fact it's me that's been off the road not him!

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Moving on.

Our Steven got the keys to his first house on the 20th October, and we have gutted it. It was OK for the family that lived there before but he wants to make his own mark on it, so we have stripped all the rooms of the wallpaper and most of the paintwork; the ceilings were covered with polystyrene tiles they were the first things that came down.

To be honest I have not had a day off since the 20th. Thursday we have an electrician coming to put some extra sockets in, so I will be free to do as I please. I am a plumber, bricklayer, painter and decorator, plasterer, general labourer and Project manager with not one certificate to prove it.

When I was a young man I could not afford to pay for anyone to do the work, so I trained myself to do it.

I’m loving it it’s took me back 20 odd years, with one main difference; what used to just ache now hurts with a vengeance.

Next year I think I will have knees done if I can buck up the courage!

Tuesday 1 November 2011

9.30AM Phone call.

Mum, I've had a crash! "are you alright?" " yes" "What's happened, where are you, is anyone else involved?" "No! I've had a blow out, gone through the hedge and finished up in a field on the way to Brampton!" " We're on our way".
When we got there I could not believe my eyes, how the car had not rolled over I don't know, the field is at least four feet lower than the road.
Our Stuart is one very lucky man. Lucky there wasn't anything coming the other road and lucky it was a Hawthorn bush and not a tree in his path.

Thursday 20 October 2011

First frost.

Last night was the first night below freezing this winter.

This years pumpkin crop.

Better than last year, but not as good as I was hoping for. It's been a very dry year this year and my time has been taken up with other things. I've not looked after my allotment as good as I should have, everything ripened too soon.

Saturday 15 October 2011

Last night 32'F.

Day temp 62'F.

This is a first.

This is the first time I have seen a real Chinese Junk, not much to look at yet. It was moored at Eyemouth fish docks, I think it was being restored. I don't know how it got here but it doesn't look sea worthy to me, probably got a piggy back ride on a container boat.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Snippets of our trip up north last week.

No this is not the Alamo, this is The Parish Church of Berwick upon Tweed, it is the most northerly parish church in England.

The colours and battle honours of the Coldstream Guards hanging in the church.

Trawlermen (fishermen) taking a break after returning home from sea.

One of the many trawlers at Eyemouth Scotland, I didn't know there were so many fishing fleet left in the UK.

Lindisfarne Priory on Holy Island Northumberland.

The causeway over to Holy Island. The Island is cut off by the tide twice a day, at this point the water rises about 4 to 5 feet. The road is passable 6 hours on 6 hours off. We are leaving the island now, the tide is on the turn.

Paxton House Scotland.
Paxton House and gardens.

Una walking back to England, using the Union Bridge over the river Tweed. Before today the last time I stood on this bridge was in 1971. I was with my dad, we were on a camping and fishing holiday on the Scottish Borders.

Palace of Holyroodhouse Edinburgh, our last day out before returning home. The last time we stood on this spot it was 1969, we were courting and on our first holiday together. Still smiling.
The orange cord around our necks are connected to the audio system that comes with the tour of the house.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Autumn is here.

Last weeks sunshine and hot weather might have fooled the plants and flowers, but not the trees. The sap has stopped rising, the leaves are falling. Never mind, roll on Spring!

Monday 3 October 2011

Uncle Gattys last ride.

There's a story that goes with this carriage. Many years ago it belonged to Una's Grandfather, Gattys dad. He was a haulier in the days of horse and carts, in the early 1900's. Not being good with money, the business collapsed and everything with it. This carriage went to Australia, where it was found by the present owners a few years ago. It was restored to its former glory. Today, Gatty got his wish and took his final trip as a passenger to his last resting place.

Gatty died two days after his 84th birthday, he had a good life, always had a smile on his face.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Indian Summer.

Daybreak over Haven Caravan site Berwick upon Tweed, the summer goes on.

Sunday 25 September 2011

My last trip to WPH.

Follow my trip on You Tube> Tram ride to Sheffield. by sandoiler.

Tuesday 20 September 2011


The first dentist smashed the tooth off and left the root in.

The remains of my tooth that the first dentist could not remove on the 15th August, she was hoping that the gum would heal over it. After a month I decided it was time to go back and let someone have another go at removing it, this time it was successful. I can now eat at that side of my mouth. I was not in pain just uncomfortable, feels great now.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Sheffield today.

The peace gardens Sheffield.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

7.1/2 weeks, done and dusted.

Outside Sheffield Railway Station.

All these weeks and only had three days with rain, today, yesterday, and last Friday. Must be some sort of record!

Treatment completed; The reaction from the treatment will go on for a further six weeks, things will come back to normal in six months time.
So far I have had no ill effects or side effects from the treatment. Thinks I have been very lucky.

Thursday 1 September 2011

September 1st.

Grey mornings, bright days, evenings are turning colder summer's almost over!
It's been a good summer if not a little too dry for the allotment. We've had plenty of sun but it's not been very hot, not as hot as some years. September and October are generally good months, usually it's an Indian Summer. Then it starts, Dark Nights the misery of winter. I think I will fly South with the birds or follow the sun for three months (if only).

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Wheat harvest.

Chatting to the farmer that owns the field that got fired last week, he was miles away at Hemmingfield when it happened, he could see the smoke knew what it was, but did not know it was his crop that was going up in smoke until later that day.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

£20,000 worth of wheat goes up in smoke.

Let children loose with matches and this is what you get.

A view of the field from the other side of the valley.

Beating out a fire is donkey work.

Corned Beef bites back.

Last Saturday I was really enjoying a corned beef and tomato sandwich so much, I forgot my golden rule not to chomp down on them. I have done it before split a tooth eating corned beef, and have had to have it removed. Oops I've done it again, I've had to have another tooth out today, this is the third tooth I've lost this way. Those Brazilians have a lot to answer for, it just takes one little piece of bone to be left in the meat and that's it.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Fun in the sun.

Outside Huddersfield Railway Station.
Harold Wilson, luckily for my generation he was not a war monger and refused to be drawn into the Vietnam war.

The newly refurbished walkway and fountains in front of the station, the Yorkshire paving stones are imported from China.

This is the fun in the sun bit, you can get a good soaking but you can't drown.

Practicing surfboard moves!