Things we see and do.

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Thursday 12 August 2010

Today at Wakefield.

Below is a photo of what should have been a steam train, we especially
made the trip to see the Scarborough Spa Express, but instead it was
being pulled by this old diesel loco.
We were not alone in our disappointment, there were lots of people
with cameras, and lots of fare paying passengers that expected to
travel on a steam train.
Just thought I might as well take a photo of this train going in the
opposite direction.
It was not a total loss, we have not been to Wakefield for a while so
we had a walk up into town. Wakefield used to be a good shopping
centre, but a couple of years ago the powers that be decided to rip
the old town to bits. Then the credit crunch came and the money dried
up, leaving a big hole were once there were shops.
Part of the development got finished, creating a mecca for children.
Playing in fountains is no fun without the risk of getting wet through.

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