Things we see and do.

See us on You Tube.

Friday 20 August 2010

The pepper are starting to ripen.

Always on guard in the greenhouse, the eyes are shut but the ears
are open. Most greenhouse have a toad, we have a cat.

At last the peppers are ripening, hopefully they will taste better
yellow than green. The green ones taste really really awful.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Harvesting Rapeseed.

Last September I watched as the farmer sowed the seed for this crop,
now eleven months later I'm here again watching him harvest.
No chance of talking this time, it's fine today but rain is forecast later
on this week. It wont be long before he's back to plough and sow some
barley, for next years crop.

Off to discharge his load of oilseed rape.

Each seed is about 1/16" in diameter.

Back for another cut, none stop work until the job is done.

The chaff is discharged out of the back of the combine and will be
ploughed into the ground within the next fortnight.

Steam Magic.

Today my luck was in, the Scarborough Spa Express was pulled by a
steam engine. We almost missed seeing it. The London train was
on the line closes to us, but moved off in time for us to take some photos.
The smell of the coal fire and noise of the steam brought back memories.

Saturday 14 August 2010

Outdoor tomatoes.

This is what they should look like. Lots of tomatoes and not many leaves.

Official vandalism.

I was expecting a bumper crop of blackberries
this year, but to my amazement the council had
other ideas. This act of vandalism took place
two weeks before the crop was ripe.
It was carried out under management instructions,
a pure act of jealousy in my opinion.

Thursday 12 August 2010

Today at Wakefield.

Below is a photo of what should have been a steam train, we especially
made the trip to see the Scarborough Spa Express, but instead it was
being pulled by this old diesel loco.
We were not alone in our disappointment, there were lots of people
with cameras, and lots of fare paying passengers that expected to
travel on a steam train.
Just thought I might as well take a photo of this train going in the
opposite direction.
It was not a total loss, we have not been to Wakefield for a while so
we had a walk up into town. Wakefield used to be a good shopping
centre, but a couple of years ago the powers that be decided to rip
the old town to bits. Then the credit crunch came and the money dried
up, leaving a big hole were once there were shops.
Part of the development got finished, creating a mecca for children.
Playing in fountains is no fun without the risk of getting wet through.

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Skegness a good day out.

Sunday, took a trip to Skeggy, it was full to bursting. When we set off
it was pretty cloudy at home, but when we got there there wasn't a
cloud in the sky.

The beach was crowded, the donkey rides were busy.

The amusement park is good value for money, no queues for the rides.

The crowds have thinned out all making their way home, time for us to go
two hours and we will be home!

Nostell Priory.

Last Thursday we had a day out at Nostell Priory near Wakefield.
Photography is not allowed in the house but I just had to risk
taking a photo of the quilt below. It is hand sewn and shows the crest
of the Winn family, a spread eagle.

Outside there was a garden fete for the children, roundabouts, boat rides
and the old time favourite Punch and Judy.

All the Punch and Judy stories are pretty violent, just the thing for
children to dwell on.
photo link >

Tuesday 10 August 2010

At last.

August 10th, my tomatoes are starting to ripen. I don't know if they
are early or late! The sweet peppers are not so sweet, I will not grow
them next year.

Friday 6 August 2010

Most of the family.

Steven my son, Debora Josephs daughter, Zara Roberts daughter,
Louise Janets daughter and Christepher Josephs son.
Four single one married!
Me, Robert, Janet and Joseph. Our Walter and Richard could not
make it. My other sister Sandra died three years ago.

Sunday 1 August 2010

Zara and Jamies big day.

Yesterday my youngest brothers daughter got married.