Things we see and do.

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Thursday 8 July 2010

Today in the allotment.

I went to the allotment to pick some black berries, and this is what
I found! The allotment manager had instructed his lackey to cut the
brambles back, in the name of health and safety.
This act of vandalism took place just two weeks before the crop was
ripe. In my opinion it was an act of jealousy and nastiness.

The boundary hedge of my allotment is made up of blackberry
brambles and anything else that stings.
It looks like being another good year for fruit.
These pictures were taken before the act of vandalism carried
out by the allotment and green spaces management.

I can hardly get through the gate.
Lots of broad beans.
The runner beans I put in last month are racing away.
Beetroot doing well, last year was a bad year for beetroot for me, it
made nothing for me until the back end of summer.
I've not grown sprout for a long time now, the last time I grew them the
sprouts blew I didn't get a one. I gave all the tops to the hens, happy hens.
Courgettes these have to be the easiest plant to grow in the garden,
the more you pick them the more they grow.
From 4in to a foot in a matter of days.

A baby pumpkin I just love to watch these grow. They are the only
thing I sell from the allotment. Halloween a great American invention,
people buy my pumpkins and the money pays my ground rent.

Organic no way caterpillars, slugs, snails they just munch their way
through life. They can strip your garden bare in no time!

Some fuchsia plants I chucked in years ago.

I've spent all day weeding, started 10.15am knocked off at 1.00pm
went home for my dinner, came back at 2.30pm until 5.00pm,
all for the love of it.

Honestly the allotment was a mass of weeds this morning.


  1. Wow, things are looking great! Tonight I ate with my dinner some tomatoes, zuchini, and yellow pepper from our garden. It was delicous! I've still got one tomato plant that has consistent problems with blossom-end rot (the tomatoes go bad from the bottom up toward teh stem). I've been adding lime so hopefully that will fix it.

  2. Could be too much fertilizer, lack of water or short of lime in the soil.
    Easy remedy pull the plant out and bin it!!!
