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Wednesday 28 July 2010

Ten years ago today.

Just to mark the day.
Ten years ago today I took early retirement, I had had enough
of working the three shift system, days afternoons and nights.
I was offered voluntary redundancy plus early retirement pension
it was too good to miss.
During the last shift going round saying my goodbyes the question
of the day was, what are you going to do Dave?
My reply was " just the same as I do now, accept I will not be coming
to work". Wrong !!!!!
I've done lots more.

1 comment:

  1. Hello there! I just found the comment you left on my blog last spring. I see you live in Yorkshire. I was there once with my Mom a few years back and really loved it. It's so cool to have visitors from far away. My Mom would love to live in England and has friends in the Shropshire area. One of my books even made it there. I haven't heard what they thought of it, or even if they've read it. Thanks for visiting!
