Things we see and do.

See us on You Tube.

Wednesday 30 June 2010

The last day of June.

Out with the old.
In with the new.

Yesterday I took the old fire place surround out, then today
we had a new one fitted. I fitted the old one myself 28 years
ago, who would believe I have actually paid someone to fit
the new one! There are more regulations now, it's had being
a DIY man, you are not allowed to mess with gas or electrics.
I think I will chuck my tools away!!!!!!!
I was a real cowboy but I was good.
Next thing a new carpet and then a new three piece suite all
before August.

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Sunday 20 June 2010

Back home from Northumberland.

The land of Castles, Stately Homes and Lighthouses.
Us two.
Warkworth castle viewed from Amble.

St Mary's Lighthouse. Near Hartley.

Friday 11 June 2010

Come On England..... 2010 Yes We Can!!!!!

Our Stevens mates in South Africa, two Rotherham fans and one Sheffield
United fan.
World Cup 2010 wishful thinking.
Saturday 12th June.
England 1 v USA 1 19:30 GMT. OK game.

Friday 18th June.
Slovenia 2 v USA 2 15:00 GMT. USA were robbed, should have been 3.
England 0 v Algeria 0 19:30 GMT. England were rubbish, lack lustre.

Wednesday 23rd June.
Slovenia 0 v England 1 15:00 GMT. The team have come alive!
USA 1 v Algeria 1 15:00 GMT. Group leaders should have been 2.

KNOCKOUT STAGE. Win or come home! This is it.
Saturday 26th June.
USA 1 V Ghana 2 19:30 GMT. Second half USA played well, not fast
enough on the ball next time maybe!

Sunday 27th June.
England 1 V Germany 4 15:30 GMT. England were rubbish.

Saturday 3rd July.
Argentina 0 v Germany 4. Germany were brilliant.

Sunday 11th July
Spain 1 V Holland 0. This match took football back 30 years
Holland were disgusting, they played dirty football why?
Had they played clean they would have easily won Spain.
Spain lacked the ability to finish, but were the best side on
the night. Not one country shone on all the competition, it
was a poor month for FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!
Come back Brazil, Argentina, Germany, Italy. ENGLAND?!?!

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Black Fly and Broad beans.

Black fly gather at the top of Broad beanstalks at this time of year this is
a good way to deal with them.


The quickest way of germinating beans follow the link.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Tomato plant care.

Alison just click on the link and you will see what I mean.
Watering is very important with tomatoes you must not miss a day, the
compost must be a constant damp. If it dries then you water to catch
up the, skins of the tomato will crack.
This often happens when friends look after them while you are away.

Elterwater to Grasmere.

Today is the last day of our walking holiday it’s been the hottest and driest
week we have had in the lakes in all the years we have been coming here.
On average we've walked over ten miles a day, clocking up seventy miles
in total. We have dawdled most of the time and took in all the sights and
sounds of the area, it's been a rieght gud week. Father and son time.
A little bit of Yorshire in there it's how we talk.

An old slate workings near Rydal. I don't need the sticks to walk, they are
just a great help you wouldn't believe how much help they are!
No no no I'm not going in there, wild horses could not drag me into a cave.
Me looking in our Steven looking out, I like nothing heavier than a cloud
over my head. That's the reason I went into the Steelworks and not down
the mine with my father and four brothers.
These stepping stone could have been put here originally by the Romans,
there is an ancient Roman Fort near by at Clappersgate. That's the thing
with walking you can dream with your eyes open, life's great init.

Monday 7 June 2010

Just another easy stroll.

In bygone days these would have been slate workers dwellings.
Strolling in the countryside, easy!
They say if the cattle lay down it's going to rain, too true.
Another farmyard, another dog.
These are not the bonniest sheep I've seen, I think they are a very old breed.

The cattle knew something was a foot with the weather, we had to put a
spurt on to miss this lot, we won but it just blew over.

The day started well, Then!

There as been very little rain in the district, this is usually a raging
torrent under this bridge.

Another hill walk.
Sitting by the Tarn our Steven my walking mate.

Then it started, it never stopped to rain it poured down all the rest of the day.

Crossing Windermere.

Beatrix Potters cottage at Sawrey.
On the car ferry crossing Windermere.

Bowness on Windermere.
Walking round this car took my eye I think it was the reg that did it.

Lots of people, lots of boats.
The first memorial to the fallen in the Boer War that I've ever seen.
At the bottom it says "for sovereign and empire" what rubbish!

Ambleside Village.

The old market cross and Post Office.

Village walking makes a change, looking in shops and being with people.
I like being on my own but I love being with people.

The old disused watermill at Ambleside.

Lowland walks.

There are lots of pubs where you can get food and drink, it can't be bad!
Walk through farms, I'm not vegetarian but I don't eat Beef. How could
anyone eat these two beast after looking in their eyes. These two were
waiting to go to the slaughter house, just look at their faces honestly. Everything was in bloom.

Langdale Pike.

This is the hard way up, we don't do that.
There are good paths to follow, but every step you take is an up hill one.
The views from the top are good it's well worth the climb.
There are lots of very good lowland walks in the Lake District, you don't
have to climb all the time!

Natural dog.

Walking up Langdale Pikes something caught my eye, from the camera
angle I could see a dog, from where I am in the photo all I see is a piece of rock.

Sunday 6 June 2010

Bluebell Woods.

At this time of year the woodland floor is covered with Bluebells,
they grow mainly in Britian and Ireland, rarely anywhere in Europe
and no where else in the world.
Every school child will pick them at least once to take home for
mum, but soon learn it is a wast, as they wilt almost immediately
and die within a day.

Saturday 5 June 2010

Burst water main.

Yesterday I thought I was back in the Lake District
round the corner from our house the road was closed
because of a deep puddle that had formed with the runoff
water from a burst water main.
In total the mains had burst in four different places all
within two hundred yards of one another.

Ant nest.

Today I made a start on the garden, getting it ready for planting. For
years I've had an upturned planter with an owl placed on it. This year I
thought I would move it, when I did I found that ants had made a nest in
it, very artistic but they had to go. My blow torch soon made short shift of them.

Getting ready for the summer.

Yesterday I tidied the greenhouse. Potted the tomatoes on, made some hanging baskets up generally smartened things up all round.