Things we see and do.

See us on You Tube.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

In the greenhouse.

Plugs or Seed! I like to grow from both, plugs are easier to handle and
save time. If you only want a few plants plugs are ideal, pot them on and
they grow like wildfire.
Growing from seed is better if you want a lot of the same plants. I always
grow my leeks, pumpkins, tomatoes and bedding dahlias from seed.
I also grow cabbage and sprout from seed, reason being I don't want to
catch clubroot from someone. That disease stays in the ground seven years.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Taking advantage of the nice weather.

Down at the allotment.
Rhubarb starting to grow. 23/3/10.
Last week the weather was good, it gave me the chance to do some
planting. I put two rows of broad beans in, five rows of onions
and two rows of first early potatoes.
There are four rows of Jap onions in that I planted last September.
They are a mild onion, but do not store well. They make a good cheese
and onion sandwich.
The next thing I must do is sort out my strawberry beds, they are looking
pretty tatty after the winter weather.

Monday, 22 March 2010

Clickerty Click.

Sixtysix today. I have lived in Rawmarsh all my life so far, never more
than half a mile from where I was born. I have traveled all over the UK
but never found anywhere I would rather live.

Saturday, 13 March 2010

This week.

Tuesday we went to Castleton in the Peak District.
The picture is of Peveril Castle overlooking Castleton.
Below is a picture of the main road through the village.

Wednesday I went up to Skipton on my own, on public transport just
for a dry run. It's a good job I had plenty of time to kill it took ages to
get there, and even longer to get home.
Skipton is quaint. It also has a Castle but I forgot to photograph it!!!!!

Come to England it's always fine.

Google maps have now come down to street level almost
everywhere in England, so now it's possible to tour without
leaving the comfort of your home. Yorkshire is the most
beautiful county in England well worth a visit. All the houses
are made of stone, brick or concrete, we learned from the three
little pig stories. Wooden houses burn and straw ones blow away!
If you would like to know where to visit drop me a line.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Spring is in the air.

1 Snowdrops.
2. Crocus.
3 Winter Pansy.
Spring flowers.

Friday, 5 March 2010

The first day this year.

The start of the day, off to Doncaster.
Yesterday started cold after a night of 26'F. There wasn't much
doing so we decided to have a pop to Doncaster on the train.
When we got there the sun started to shine and the day warmed up.
I thought I could make better use of the day in the allotment, so home we came.
After dinner I put the tiller and generator in the car and off I
went to the allotment. The soil was easy to work, not at all sticky
just nice and crumbly. In three hours I had turned both allotment over.
I hope this signals the end of winter!
When I arrived at the allotments one of my mates shouted me over to
see a rat he had caught. I DO NOT LIKE RATS, this one was the biggest
I have ever seen. He also told me that the fox had been on the allotments
and that it had killed 14 ducks and a goose belonging to Mick the Irishman.
I don't have any livestock they are too tying. I need my freedom!!!!