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Wednesday 1 July 2009

Mondays joy.

Straight to the point I have NOT got prostate cancer yet!!! There's a long story to this, I'll tell the short one. I have had none of the known symptoms of the complaint it's just that I had reason to go to hospital two years ago come September, after straining myself walking in Scotlands mountains. I had an ultra sound, x-ray and a mri scan, kidneys bladder everything OK. This is where the prostate thing starts, it turns out someone noticed I had a large prostate and the hospital contacted me about it. An appointment was made to see a specialist but prior to this I had to have a blood test to check my psa level. On meeting the specialist, who was very reassuring told me the facts. A, the psa test is not a good test. B, if I had cancer and they did nothing about it I could be looking at 12 years or more. C, if it's an aggressive little sod there's nothing we can do for you, good night Vienna. The only way to find out is to have a biopsy, in Rotherham we like to take 10 at a time it gives a better chance of spotting things. I had my first biopsies last October, 12 of them, when I went for the result everything was clear. I was put on some tablets which I was told would shrink things.
This brings me to my latest biopsy and the result. I went a fortnight ago for the experience and a week ago for a blood test. Once again the specialist was reassuring in that the tests were clear but this means you have not got cancer or we are missing it. NICE, do all medical staff talk three ways? So he said what I am thinking is, I forget the words he said, but basically he's on about cutting me open and having a deeper look. This as given me a dilemma, when this all started he said the aggressive little sods are the deep ones. To be honest if it's not broken don't mend it and I don't think I want to know anyway. If I wake up one morning dead all well and good, but I don't want to go to bed thinking about it. That's all I have to say on the matter. I have to see him again in October and see were we go from there. By the way having a biopsy does not hurt in the slightest, just in case anyone reading this is having to have one.

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