Things we see and do.

See us on You Tube.

Thursday 5 February 2009

One step at a time.

I have now added a photo.


  1. Looks like your blog is up and running! I'm so glad to see it! I hope to see lots of interesting things about Yorkshire on here! I'm always so interested to hear about what it's like up there. One of these days I'll come and see it. Anyhow, nicely done on the blog!

  2. So glad to finally see you. Thanks for reading my blog. How did you come upon it?? Welcome to the blogging world. It can become addictive. Have fun! Jenifer

  3. This is my third attempt I don't know what has happened to the other two, but here I go again.
    I honestly don't know how I got on your blog!
    You must be a friend of a friend of a friend of mine. I'll try and recreate what I did and let you know.
