Things we see and do.

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Tuesday 17 February 2009

Work place

This is the mill where I worked for 41 years, age 15 years to 56 then I retired. Hopefully long term employment will come back. The mill closed 5 years after I left. OK it was a long time in
one place but it gave me a living and fed the family.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

How I came across your blog.

Purely by accident! I have a couple of friends that originate from California, they now live in Washington DC. I have always had a fascination with the western states and they are my entry into your blog world. The pair in the picture below are the ones I am on about, I use their blog to gain access to the US of A. It all started with the fire in California at the back end of last year.Knowing his mother and father live there, I natural asked if they were OK. The answer was yes, but unfortunately his uncle Chucks home had burned down. This put a new light on things for me, now the fire on the TV news was real. I actually felt that I knew someone who had lost their home, if only through Patrick. Anyway that was all that was said. So as I was drifting from blog to blog, I noticed the Flake Family Fire on Kims blog and wondered if that was Chucks. On that blog at one point there were fifteen posts, I thought this must be a popular bloke, so I read on. Clicking on the posts one at a time I eventually got on to your blog. It was the removal of Landons screw that took my eye, it reminded me of me and my dad. I had to take the stitches out of his forehead after he came off his motorbike at the age of seventy five. He feared nothing only hospitals, and would not go back for his stitches out.

Sunday 8 February 2009

Memory Lane.

I walked four miles down this road with two strangers, and walked back with two friends. They are my connection with the Western States of America.

Thursday 5 February 2009

One step at a time.

I have now added a photo.