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Tuesday 1 March 2016

25th Feb 2016 the inaugural run Flying Scotsman.

Tuesday 23rd February I had heard through the grapevine that the Flying Scotsman was travelling from York to London passing through Donny around 11am. That journey did not happen, it had a broken spring on the train tender which needed repair, it made the journey the next day.
There were hardly any people knocking about which made me wonder if I had heard right!
So that day would not be a complete loss I took a couple of shots of Una.
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The inaugural run of the most famous train in the world.

Thursday 25th February, it was definitely on today the station platforms were packed. I stayed on this side and Una went on the other side just in case either of us got our view blocked by another train.
Una is in the centre of the above photo, same gear as Tuesday believe me the sun was shining but it is still cold.
I was undecided whether to film or photo, I chose multi shot photo and glad I did, it's the first time I have used this method, it's good.

I was a little disappointed at the speed it passed through Doncaster the place it was built, but it was on the mainline and not allowed to slow down. At least we all got to see it and smell it mmm there's something about old steam engines, beautiful but inefficient.

 No sooner here, than it's gone!

The train was delayed by half an hour, we were half an hour early Una was on the other platform me and lady with the gloves got chatting for the full hour as you do, needless to say we are now facebook friends.

The only thing left to do now, a walk round the market a bite to eat and home.

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