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Monday 11 January 2016

Getting to the bottom of my joint pain.

Over the last three months my body has felt as though I have had the physical symptoms of influenza.
Week on week getting worse and worse until on new years eve day I went to see my doctor and told him all my troubles.
He was very good listened then made an appointment for some blood test the following week, told me what it could be and that it was not necessarily arthritis which is what I thought was.
Got the results from the tests back, he has put me on steroids I will be on them at least three months.
Once you are on steroids you just can not stop them yourself you have to come down slowly reducing the dosage month on month.
Sounds like a kill or cure thing to me, I will say this after two days on the steroids I feel great no pain.
Side effects I might get a body like the Hulk and turn green. 

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