Things we see and do.

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Monday 25 November 2013

Plague stone.

I have walked past this stone many times walking from Street Lane to Elsecar passed Lee Wood and have never seen it or have seen it but took no notice. Today whilst out walking with our Steven he brought it to my attention at the time of the plague the indentation would be filled with vinegar and the money that was to change hands was dropped in it to be disinfected before hand. Keeping the villagers free from the germs travelers and traders might have picked up.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

First SNOW this winter.

This is very early for snow I hope it's not a sign of things to come!

Sunday 17 November 2013

Work in progress kitchen refurb.

 The kitchen as was washing machine to the left of what was the door cooker in the corner then a string of units. All taken out.
 Swapped pipework round hot and cold water pipes had to cross over the gas pipe and the cold water had to branch off to feed the washer which is now on the back wall.
 The gas pipe had to be extended to fit the new position of the cooker. End of day one.
The taps are not connected yet but our Stuart couldn't wait to see what they would look like.
 I'm pleased how the job is going steady work no rush.
How the job looks so far after two days. End of day two.
Today I've fitted the waste pipe and trap, and connected the water pipes up.
The plumbing part of the job is finished, units and worktop on far wall to do.
One last check to see that all is dry it was only an hours job today yesterday it would have been an hour too long.
Left the putting on of the cupboard doors for our Stuart to do.
 The trimming of the work surface was left for me to do.

Stuart also built up the drawers for the drawer unit, one more drawer to build.
He is working all week so he just does a little at a time when he comes home.

Job so far, things to do:- wall tiles, wall units, kick boards and floor covering tiles or cushion flooring or wood???? That is up to him I'm always available choose which.

Not finished yet but well on the way.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Up and running.

 The flyover is down and the new junction and traffic light system is working.

 I can see this junction causing chaos in time not too far in the future.

Monday 4 November 2013

First frost this winter.

This is what we get when there is no cloud cover at night 28'F. Luckily it's not forever it's just a cold spell next week it will be warmer but raining, that's how it goes all the way until May.

Friday 1 November 2013

Halloween 2013.

All ready for the trick or treat brigade.
 The first through the door.
 The youngest.
 The most gruesome injuries.
 The oldest tricksters.
Una putting on a brave front she has a heart like a lion.
The show must go on 5pm to 8-30pm
We had countless visitors again mothers that were children the first time they came bringing there children.
It was a very pleasant night and the word awesome was used lots the kids are turning American what as happened to brill and fab.
 Getting things ready.
This is something I did not think we would be doing after last Sunday but here she is Una and her smile all's well with the world**********
Those welcoming EYES.
The old faithful ghosts on the door
All over for another year it was good fun.