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Sunday 27 October 2013

A really really bad day.

Sunday. Will write about it when things get better. Monday. Things are looking up.

I can write about it now but I did not want to push our luck before.
Una has had some real bad back pain over the last few days Sunday morning I gave her two co-codamols then after breakfast I went upstairs and left her sat at the table.
A short while later I heard her shout my name followed by a almighty loud bang. I went down to see what was going on and found Una on the kitchen floor unconscious she look like death. I took hold of her head and neck and she came too a little so I put her in the recovery position and called 999 and then our Steven.
For the best part of 10 minutes she kept slipping in and out of consciousness our Steven arrived and took over then the paramedic arrived.
He gave her a good examination and tests then 10 minutes later the ambulance arrived. When Una was fit enough to move they sat her on a wheel chair took her to the ambulance then off to hospital.
Una had a massive bump as big as my fist on the back of her head and one as big as an egg on the side.
The last thing Una can remember was standing at the sink feel like she was going to be sick then me waking her up. She says she thought she was in a deep sleep in bed and could not understand why I was waking her up. After 4 hours in hospital checks and tests done they said she was fit to go home. Now every part of her body aches not only her back; but she here!
I'm head cook and bottle washer now, I've done it before thou it was many years ago.


  1. Oh Dave. How scary. I'm so sorry. I hope she is ok.

    1. Una is much better now her head still hurts but she is moving around OK. I am looking after her doing the housework man fashion (never up to woman standards) and keeping us both fed (not cordon bleu) belly filling snap (food). Scary is not the word, you have seen lots of people in your line of work with the feeling I was in luckily for us it went the right way thank god.
