Things we see and do.

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Tuesday 14 August 2012

Christenning Day.

Seated with Debora are the two godfathers and godmothers to Mia and Grace.
Grace thought it was bath time and couldn't wait to get it in.

But to her disappointment it was only a smidgen of water on the forehead.

No tears, just smiles all round.

It was a very happy day.

Holy Trinity Church of England, Thorpe Hesley Sunday 12th Aug. 
Today was the christening of Mia Olivia and Grace Poppy the twin daughters of my niece Debora. She is a single parent by choice I am very proud of her. She paid for IVF treatment because there is no man in her life and she felt her body clock was ticking away. She owns her own house, new car is a fully qualified dental nurse but there was one thing missing (which turned out to be two) a baby. Us men do not understand the power of the maternal instinct in women.

1 comment:

  1. We had a lovely day cannot believe a week as passed bye, lovely photos, your comments are perfect, thank you, Sandra and Debora
